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Updated: Jun 1, 2021

What I have learnt so far

I really enjoyed this module. Each week presented brand new challenges that really made me question how I came up with ideas and developed them into the final pieces. To the right is the quadriptych I created in week 1. Looking back I think this was a simplified version of what I understand now. I think I would definitely change panel 4 - why I do it because I think the answer is now are more complicated. I came to the conclusion a couple of weeks ago that the reason I like design so much is because it is a way of expressing an opinion, it gives people a voice that they might not normally have. So panel 4 instead of looking out would actually be more about looking in and taking a stance on what you believe in.

Something else I learned about myself throughout this module is that my first response to briefs tends to be black and white satirical illustration, I was always looking for a unique angle but not necessarily using unique methods. It was only once I started to break this habit and look at things from a different perspective I started to create in a different way. For example, week 11 was my favourite week because it was not only all about having an opinion on a topic but I broke away from the screen and made a fanzine which is completely different to how I usually respond to briefs.

I think as the weeks went on I became more confident in exploring the workshop challenges in different ways. At first my initial response was to stay on a screen because that is where I am comfortable. However the more I learnt about methods and ways to develop skills - particularly some of the interviews with Sam Winston, the more I realised that screens might not always be the answer. I feel like I hit my stride in week 10 and 11, printing off my On the Road quote and burning it. And again in week 11, breaking away from the computer and making a fanzine. These are the weeks I have enjoyed the most so I need to carry this learning forward and make sure I keep approaching briefs in new and interesting ways.

The week I am most disappointed in the outcome is week 5, thoughts on ideas. I think it was a combination of not feeling totally engaged with the content and poor execution of my final piece. If I had more time I would try to replicate Plato’s cave to show the black line shadow on rather than a flat surface. I did redo this week and the result I thought was better but still not to the standard I would like.

In conclusion this module has taught me so much about who I am as a designer and the way I think. It has been so useful looking at things in a different way and really explore the process I go through. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to looking deeper into Graphic Design throughout the rest of this course and beyond.


I started drafting plans for the PDF. Some of them are well within my comfort zone and others are completely different to anything I have designed before. Some of them were definitely more successful than others. I didn't really like numbers 1, 3 and 7 as I don't think they said anything about me or the work I have been doing so far on the course.

I then narrowed it down to my favourite 2 and developed more pages for the PDF. My favourites were numbers 2 and 8. 2 is reasonably comfortable for me - it's got an editorial look with clean colours and a classy typeface. 8 is completely different to anything I've done before - it has a structural feel with a blocky typeface and bold colour choices. I think I'm going to develop more pages for both before making a decision.

Idea 1

Idea 2

After working on both of these designs I have decided to go for the bolder riskier choice. I'm going to go with idea 2 because I don't want to play it safe and do something I would have done before starting this Masters. I think idea two is experimental with colours and typeface and exactly what I need to do to express what I have learnt so far and what I want to continue developing.

See my final PDF here


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