Lecture Video
I found these interviews to be a really good introduction to the second project in this module. I thought it was interesting when Torsten from the FELD Studio said that he not only takes projects he is already very interested in but also ones he knows nothing about and has no connection with - this is the perfect opportunity to learn about something new and grasp new opportunities. I can't say I have ever thought about design this was so gaining a new perspective is always a good thing. I tend to choose projects that I know I will enjoy and either already know about or know I will enjoy researching. However this is definitely something I will keep in mind in the future and it will hopefully allow me to expand my practice.
During the interviews it became clear that there is a balance to be struck when picking projects - something that will maintain interest and ignite the spark needed to push a project as far as you can but also something you have more to learn about. This from what the experts were saying, is the key to remaining passionate about design and also deeply interested in craft.
Design Indaba - Michael Bierut on how to think like
a designer.
I really enjoyed this talk by Michael Beirut, [1] he was so animated and passionate about his projects. One of the most interesting things I took away from this was the way he approached branding projects - he doesn't just design a logo but he considers how people use the space or the company and plays directly into that. For example, the Library project included planning all of the murals and the Saks 5th Avenue project that essentially redesigned every aspect of the shop and brand. I also loved the way he took ideas from the logos he designed and pushed it further - often creating whole typefaces for the projects. This is not something that would normally occur to me, designing a typeface to go along with a logo but this talk really made me think about that.
I think the thing I like the most about Michael's projects is the with with which he approaches the project and the fact that you can see his personality in each and every one, especially the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine project. You would never imagine a church taking a risk like this and having edgy sentiments written into their brand but Michael made it happen. I thought the signs were hilarious and such an effective design solution for bringing the church into the 21st century.
Design Indaba - Marian Bantjes & Jessica Hische on becoming (and staying) successful.
I thought it was interesting hearing about the careers of Marian and Jessica - especially the differing levels of education and the effect that has had.
From this video I learnt the importance of having a mentor and someone to look up to in the industry. I have worked as the only designer in charities for the last five years so I haven't had the experience of working under a senior designer either. Until this video I hadn't really thought about the importance of this and how I don't have anyone at work to ask for advice on specific design related things. It has made me think that maybe in my next job it would be really beneficial to be part of a larger team of designers and maybe this will be the thing that will push my career forward (as well as my Masters!).
Workshop Challenge
This week you will choose one of the preselected ‘Industry Set’ project briefs and analyse competing projects, which have been created by industry professionals.
Read, research and analyse the four preselected ‘Industry Set’ project briefs and write short preliminary notes about each option. Post the preliminary notes onto your blog.
Select one of the ‘Industry Set’ project briefs that you would like to develop and deliver over the next eight weeks. Announce your selection on the Ideas Wall, for peer reflection.
Research and discover three creative studios, agencies or solo practitioners who have created competing projects that are in a similar field to your chosen brief. This could be an agency that regularly work in the same field or have created a one-off project, that is similar to your selected project brief.
Post a link to the three creative practitioner websites and/or competing projects onto the Ideas Wall, for peer discussion.
Write a 200 word synopsis (600 words in total) to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of all three competing industry professional project examples.
Post your three written synopses onto your blog and remember to include a selection of images that illustrate and support your evaluation
Industry Set
Well aren't these some varied briefs? I thoroughly enjoyed reading each brief and making sure I understood them before making my final decision. I discounted the Global competition Adidas brief straight away, mainly because sport is not something I have much interest in at all, although it did sound interesting I think the other briefs sounded more up my street. The collaboration brief was an intriguing one and I know a few people that would be incredible to collaborate with from my professional life, the only thing that really made me discount this one is the other two just seemed more structured and interesting to me. The Creative conscience global competition was initially drawing me in, the idea of doing something positive for mental health attracted me to this really quite vague brief. However, my self initialed project from weeks 1 - 4 was a social action project based on improving the lives of people so this may have been a bit too similar immediately afterwards.
The Brief I have chosen to go with is the Science Museum brief. It is my favourite museum in London and I have always been fascinated with science. I was slightly apprehensive at first because I thought it had to only be an online archive, however after engaging on the Ideas wall, James pointed out that it doesn't have to just be the online archive, it is far more open to interpretation than that. So this is the one I will be taking forward! I;m excited to get started...
Competing Projects
Van Gogh Alive
Van Gogh Alive [3] is an exhibition currently travelling around the world. It offers a 360 degree experience of some of Van Gogh's brilliant work. This has had over 8 million visitors and has opened up the art world to people who never would have experienced anything like this. I think this was such an innovative way of exhibiting his work and bringing people in from all backgrounds. It was a collaboration between Grande Experience, Sensory4 Immersive Technology and delivered by Active.
Van Gogh Alive is an immersive installation travelling the world. It has been successful and boasts a truly immersive multiscreen experience. One of the positives of the exhibition is the 3D recreation of the bedroom painting, allowing visitors to feel like they are inside a work of art. It also has a section with easels and pencils where visitors are taught how to draw the Starry Night painting, encouraging people’s interest in art and drawing. This is such a great way to encourage people to get into drawing and experience something totally new.
A negative of the exhibition is there isn’t anywhere for people to sit when they are watching the 20-minute movie, causing discomfort to some people. It also has no start or finish time; people can just join and leave when they want but it means people can miss large chunks of this. There is also a beautiful room of sunflowers for people to take photos of however the area is small, so it ends up being very crowded with people having to queue. However, the experience is entirely immersive and they pipe in smells and music to really enhance the experience.
New York Public Library Insta Novels
The New York Public Library's Insta Novel series [4] has been designed to get more people into reading and to reach a wider audience than a library usually would. It is an innovative way of attracting new people to the library and increased the NYPL Instagram followers by 75%. It was a collaboration between NYPL and creative agency Mother.
New York Public Library’s Insta Novels are such a great way to reach a diverse audience of readers. It involves full novels being put onto Instagram using the stories’ function, meaning that anyone with a phone can access them at any time. It is a different way of expanding the reach of a library and I think a great way of reaching younger generations and telling them about a public library. It is also an excellent way of dispelling a large amount of information in a simple and relatable way.
One negative of this is it assumes people have both access to a smartphone/tablet and the data to be able to read a whole book. Digital poverty is a real thing and the assumption that everyone has that can be quite damaging to less privileged people. However, on the other side of that, the public library is there which is free to use so you could say it has both bases covered - reading the books on Instagram is not the only way to read them. Overall I think this is an extremely successful project to drive engagement and get people of all ages reading more.
Topography of Terror, Berlin
The Topography of Terror museum in Berlin [5] is the best museum I have ever been to. The reason I have included it in my research is the way there is a timeline all around the exterior of the building. You walk around looking at bits of the Berlin wall and following a timeline. It is so engaging and leads you through the history of Berlin in such a seamless way. It was designed by architect Peter Zumthor.
I think this is an ingenious exhibition and museum in general. We visited Berlin in 2019 and spent almost 5 hours looking around. One of the best parts was the external interactive timeline that is designed around part of the footprint of the Berlin Wall. It is so engaging and has so much information to take in about the horrors of the Holocaust and the city after World War II. It takes so much time to walk around and really draws you in and shows you the lives of the people involve.
A negative thing about the exhibition is the space. It is quite a slim walkway and when it gets busy at the weekend it is almost impossible to see all the information on show. I think if there was a secondary way of accessing the information, whether this is via VR or online it could be even more successful. I think a major strength of this is the emotional side and telling you about people’s lives and how they lived during the war, it shows you the physical artefacts as well as photographs and artists impressions. The combination really captures the moment in time and horror faced.
I loved reading all of the briefs this week however it did lead a little to being paralysed by choice - I really liked the Science Museum brief, the collaboration brief and also the Creative Conscience brief. I immediately dismissed the Adidas brief because sport really isn't in my wheelhouse. I eventually chose the Science Museum brief because I love science and more specifically the science museum! I did need to re read the brief and ask questions on the idea wall because at first I thought it was just the online archive which while interesting, I didn't want to be constrained by that. After making the decision and attending the webinar I am super excited about it and already have a tonne of ideas swirling around my head.
I enjoyed looking at other projects I thought were great and it brough memories back of travelling! I am pleased with my final three - The Topography of Terror, Van Gogh Alive and NYPL Insta Novels - they all represent different things I like and admire in museums/exhibitions/installations. I think this will be a really good springboard for the project to come!
[1] Design Indaba, (2015) Michael Bierut on how to think like a designer.
[2] Design Indaba, (2013) Marian Bantjes & Jessica Hische on becoming (and staying) successful.
[3] Van Gogh Alive. (2021). The Experience. Available: https://vangoghaliveuk.com/london/the-experience/. Last accessed 20/10/21.
[4] Lobash, L. (2019). Read NYPL Insta Novels. Available: https://www.nypl.org/blog/2019/08/20/nypl-insta-novels?utm_campaign=instanovels. Last accessed 20/10/21.
[5] Topogaphie des Terror. (2018). The Historic Site. Available: https://www.topographie.de/en/topography-of-terror/. Last accessed 22/10/21.